1. How do I bid?
A. You would need to start by finding the vehicle you wish to bid on, for which you can use the many tools Copart has available for vehicle searches. Once you have the ideal vehicle found, you will need to decide if you want to place a preliminary bid or live bid. If you want to prebid you will simply enter your maximum bid amount and submit, and the VB3 system will bid on your behalf when the live auctions comes up. If you want to live bid, you will need to wait until the specified date and time, and watch the live auction for your vehicle to come up on the block.
2. What does preliminary bidding mean?
A. Preliminary bidding, or prebidding, is when you enter your maximum bid amount prior to the live auction, and Copart’s VB3 system will bid incrementally on your behalf when the vehicle comes up on the block during the live auction. It will only bid up to your maximum if other bidders bid that high, and it will not go over the maximum you entered.
3. Where do I log in with the user ID/password you provided me with?
A. Once you receive the login from us, you will need to go to Copart.com and select the “sign in” at the top right corner of the page. This will give you a dropdown menu, from which you will need to select “member”. Once the login page shows you will enter the 5 or 6 digit user id (aka bidder number) and the temporary password to log in. The system will ask you to change the temporary password and update your email address, after which you will be ready to bid!
4. What auction fees will I have to pay if I win a lot?
A. There are a few different auction fees associated with each purchase. The breakdown and explanation of these fees can be found in the “welcome” email you receive from us after registration. It is very important for you to review the entire “welcome” email so you are fully aware of all fees that will be associated with your purchase. At the very end of the “welcome” email will be a list of the 5 different fees Copart will charge for each purchase, to help you calculate your total prior to bidding.
5. If I am no longer interested in purchasing the vehicle, is there a way to cancel the bid?
A. Unfortunately there is no option to cancel a bid once it has been placed. Every bid is final, whether it was placed intentionally or not. If you are the successful highest bidder on a lot and do not wish to proceed with the purchase, you have the option to relist the vehicle and pay a penalty fee for the rejection.
6. Are there any restrictions for me to bid?
A. Yes, there are a few restrictions for you as a broker bidder, however we are able to bypass these restrictions by placing the bid on your behalf from our master broker account. These restrictions include states such as: CO, WI, WA, CA, KS, FL; damage types such as: BIOHAZARD/CHEMICAL, PARTIAL/INCOMPLETE REPAIR, REJECTED REPAIR, DAMAGE HISTORY; and title types such as: NY MV-37 (scrap/parts title) and Canadian title document sold in the US. If you come across a vehicle with any of these restrictions you can call our office at 231-346-3400 or email us at info@advancemotorsllc.com and ask us to place the bid for you.